Lyrics by Lorenz Hart, music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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Published March 1929. Introduced by Glenn Hunter, Lillian Taiz, and ensemble

Tag: Love /


HE: Dearest one: I write what I'm afraid to speak;
I'm weak when I'm with you.
Tears of love are causing all the ink to blot
So what am I to do?
Hoping to find the phrases,
Groping to find each word,
How they all burned like blazes!
Now they all sound absurd.
Though I don't know where to end and to begin,
You must give in, because I'm


Yours sincerely,
The one who loves you dearly.
To think about it nearly takes my breath away.
Very truly,
My passion is unruly.
A dream of you is newly born each night and day.
Oh, but my thoughts are fervent!
How can I make them plain?
Ever your humble servant
Faithfully I remain.
I'm intending
To find a happy ending.
Because I love you dearly
I'm sincerely yours!


SHE: Do not think I haven't got the heart to care
But where is my romance?
So I've waited for my lover to appear;
I fear you've not a chance.
I must confess I've found one-
You must recall, last night.
Truly it does astound one
How two can love at sight.
But I like your phrases and the way you wrote;
I'll use your note and write him.


Yours sincerely,
The one who loves you dearly.
To think about it nearly takes my breath away.
Very truly,
My passion is unruly.
A dream of you is newly born each night and day.
Oh, but my thoughts are fervent!
How can I make them plain?
Ever your humble servant
Faithfully I remain.
I'm intending
To find a happy ending.
Because I love you dearly
I'm sincerely yours!

Sheet music:


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Please note that the lyrics contained in this songbook intended for educational use only.
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