Lyrics by Lorenz
Hart, music by Richard
Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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You see the whites of their eyes-don’t shoot!: this line refers to the famous order "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes". It was popularized in stories about the battle of Bunker Hill. It might, of course, have a sexual double entendre Sheet music: (in association with
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Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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VERSE Don’t worry, girls, I’m only on vacation, Not out of circulation; Don’t worry, girls. Don’t worry, girls, While I still have my eyesight You’re going to be in my sight; Don’t worry, girls. You never can erase The hunter from the chase. REFRAIN Sound the happy hunting horn, There’s new game on the trail now; We’re hunting for quail now, Happy little hunting horn. Play the horn but don’t play corn. The music must be nice now, We’re hunting for mice now, Happy little hunting horn. Danger’s easy to endure when You’re out to catch a beaut; Lie in ambush, but be sure when You see the whites of their eyes-don’t shoot! Play the horn from night to morn. Just play, no matter what time, Play, “There’ll be a hot time!” Happy little hunt-bang! bang!-ing horn.
beaut: slang for beauty, girlYou see the whites of their eyes-don’t shoot!: this line refers to the famous order "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes". It was popularized in stories about the battle of Bunker Hill. It might, of course, have a sexual double entendre Sheet music: (in association with
Cds: (in association with