Lyrics by Lorenz Hart, music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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Published March 1935. Registered for copyright as an unpublished song by Paramount Productions, Inc., August 3, 1934. Introduced by Bing Crosby.

Tag: Love /


In a sparkling moment,
I loved you, you loved me.
Oh, how sweet fate can he.
In that happy moment
I forgot all my past.
Now I realize the way
The spell was cast,
At last,


Once we walked alone
Down by the river ,
All the world our own
Down by the river.
Maybe the river made our love song start.
Full was the river, yet more full my heart.
So I love you two,
You and the river ,
I'll he there for you,
I and the river
You will remember when you heart my song
Down when the river rolls along
Sheet music:


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Please note that the lyrics contained in this songbook intended for educational use only.
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