Lyrics by Lorenz Hart, music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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Introduced by Shirley Ross. Same music as "Blue Moon"
A.k.a. "It's just that kind of a play"

Tag: New York /


All New York's a stage
And all its men and women are very bad actors
How they rant and rage
For food and drink and money,
For those are the factors.
Out of the Bronx and Yonkers
Rushing to earn a wage-
He must be strong who conquers
On the Manhattan stage.


Act One:
You gulp your coffee and run;
Into the subway you crowd.
Don't breathe-it isn't allowed.

Act Two:
The boss is yelling at you;
You feel so frightened and cowed.
Don't breathe-it isn't allowed.

The rows of skyscrapers are like a canyon,
The sun is hidden 'neath a stony shroud,
Eight million people and not one companion :
Don't speak to anyone-it's not allowed.

Act Three:
You hate the sight of Broadway .
It's just that kind of a play-
Manhattan Melodrama
Sheet music:


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Please note that the lyrics contained in this songbook intended for educational use only.
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