Lyrics by Lorenz Hart, music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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Published September 1928.
Introduced by Betty Starbuck and Stark Patterson. No. 8 in the second-act sequence.
Refrain has same melody as "Thank You in Advance"
Tag: Love /

Moon of moons, when you are mine,
Bright the night will be.
But remember, when you shine,
Concentrate on me!
Moon of moons, be mine alone,
Mine alone-don't laugh, moon!
I would never care to own
A quarter or a half moon.

Moon of my delight,
I'm going to put a ring around you-
You'll stay home tonight,
Scintillating where I found you.
When you were a little crescent,
Your manners were as soft as wool.
Now you're getting effervescent-
But maybe that's because you're full.
Moon of my delight,
If you'd only treat me right,
We could have a satellite or two,
Moon of my delight.

You're my moon and I'm your earth,
Bless me with your gaze-
What are lovely evenings worth
If I lose your rays?
If you ever should depart,
I would be a mean cheese.
If you leave me, then your heart
Must be made of green cheese.

Moon of my delight,
I'm going to put a ring around you-
You'll stay home tonight,
Scintillating where I found you.
When you were a little crescent,
Your manners were as soft as wool.
Now you're getting effervescent-
But maybe that's because you're full.
Moon of my delight,
If you'd only treat me right,
We could have a satellite or two,
Moon of my delight.
Sheet music:
Rodgers and Hart: A Musical Anthology from Buy from


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Please note that the lyrics contained in this songbook intended for educational use only.
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