Lyrics by
Music by
Produced by
by Arthur Freed for MGM
Directed by
Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland
Academy Award Nominations: Best Actor (Mickey Rooney) and Best Score.
Hijos De La Farándula, Los - Spain
Me Hurmurit - Finland
Musik Ist Unsere Welt - Germany
Ragazzi Attori - Italy
Vi Aharmörer - Sweden
Older TV prints (and early video releases) of Babes In Arms run
91 minutes, and exclude the "My Day" segment of the finale, with Mickey
Rooney and Judy Garland spoofing Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. This
segment was deleted for a 1948 reissue. "My Day" was restored in the
1990's by Ted Turner, and is included in current prints.
Not much of Busby Berkeley's visual dynamism is in evidence in this
MGM juvenile musical (1939), with Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland
leading a gang of ex-vaudeville stars' kids in putting on a
fund-raising show to save their parents from bankruptcy. In general,
it's pretty hard to take, but Berkeley's crane is sublime during the "
In Arms" number. With Charles Winninger and Guy Kibbee.
Chicago Reader
One strictly for Rooney and Garland fans, this has the children of
vaudeville parents put on a show to prove that the spirit of the variety
show is still very much alive. This adaptation of the Rogers and Hart
musical takes many liberties with the original (in fact not much of
it remains), but the music - including 'Good Morning', later used
in Singing in the Rain - is great. If you can stomach precocious young
things - and Rooney doing impressions ranging from Clark Gable to
President Roosevelt - this will pass the time nicely. For the rest
of us it is best avoided.
Channel 4 Film

This quintessential Mickey Rooney-Judy Garland musical has all the
kinetic energy and beaming goofiness that made their films together
(nine in all) so popular--and so easy to lampoon. The son of a vaudeville
performer Charles Winninger, Rooney decides to put on his own show
(in a barn!) to save his family's fortune, his town, his peers, and,
gosh darn it, even the American way of life. The star luster generated
by Garland matches the explosive energy of Rooney's performance. Director
Busby Berkeley's big production numbers are a sight to behold, from
a march through town for the title number to an embarrassingly dated
minstrel show routine. The movie was made the same year as
The Wizard
Of Oz (1939) and featured the same villain: Margaret Hamilton. How
popular was Rooney at the time? The number one box-office attraction
was nominated for best actor at age 19 in that landmark year against
some of the most famous performances of all time: Laurence Olivier
Wuthering Heights, Clark Gable in
Gone With The Wind, James Stewart
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, and winner Robert Donat
Goodbye, Mr. Chips.

film version of the Rodgers and Hart (1937) musical has been considerably
embellished in its transfer to the screen. Basic idea is there, and
two songs are retained. Otherwise, it's a greatly enhanced piece of
entertainment, with Mickey Rooney having a field day parading his
versatile talents. He sings, dances, gives out with a series of imitations
including Eddie Leonard, Clark Gable, Lionel Barrymore, and President
Roosevelt. With Judy Garland he sings "Good Morning," a new tune
by Nacio Herb Brown and producer Arthur Freed; he pounds the ivories;
he directs a kid's show to provide impersonations, and a dinner table
sequence, with a mix-up of decisions on the silverware, is an old routine
but his technique and timing make for grand fun. Direction by Busby
Berkeley is enthusiastic and at a fast clip throughout.
Rodgers and Hart's musical, minus most of their songs,
and one that's left, "Where Or When,"
is trammeled to death. What remains is energetic but standard putting-on-a-show
vehicle for Mickey and Judy. Dated fun. Originally ending was a
production number spoofing Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, which
was later removed for a 1948 reissue and never restored.
Leonard Maltin
This version of the Rodgers and Hart Broadway musical didn't retain
much of their material, but it starred Judy Garland and Mickey
Rooney as the children of vaudevillians, and it has great charm.
. The direction is likeably naive, the choreography is primitive-surreal.
Pauline Kael
- 5001 Nights At The Movies
Studio Cast - 1990
Studio Cast - 1951
Studio Cast - 1999
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